WHO Chief Declares Mpox Outbreak a Global Public Health Emergency


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The World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) due to the recent surge in Mpox cases in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and many other African nations. This is an important turn of events. This statement was issued by an Emergency Committee comprised of independent specialists after the International Health Regulations (2005) met and assessed the growing threat posed by the Mpox outbreak.

The WHO Chief’s decision to declare the Mpox outbreak a global public health emergency emphasizes how serious the issue is. Concerns have been expressed regarding the novel Mpox virus lineage that is proliferating, particularly in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). This is a result of the virus’s rapid spread, which could eventually reach neighboring nations and perhaps regions outside of Africa. The proclamation aims to organize a coordinated global response to curb the outbreak and prevent more deaths.

In his statement, Dr. Tedros emphasised the urgency of addressing this escalating crisis. He highlighted the worrying emergence of a new Mpox strain and its swift spread across affected regions. “The emergence of a new clade of Mpox, its rapid spread in eastern DRC, and the reporting of cases in several neighbouring countries are very worrying. On top of outbreaks of other Mpox clades in DRC and other countries in Africa, it’s clear that a coordinated international response is needed to stop these outbreaks and save lives,” said the WHO Chief, reinforcing the critical need for global action.

Given the history of the pox outbreak in Africa, the WHO Chief’s proclamation of a worldwide public health emergency is especially pertinent. The virus has long been endemic in Central and West Africa; it was discovered in humans in 1970. But the latest rise and the formation of a new clade have forced the world community to take immediate action. Over 15,600 cases and 537 deaths from Mpox have been reported in the DRC this year alone. The number of cases has been rising significantly over the previous ten years. The virus is spreading to nations like Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda that have not previously recorded instances, which is aggravating the problem.

The WHO Chief’s declaration also sheds light on the challenges of combating Mpox in resource-limited settings. The WHO has initiated efforts to accelerate vaccine access for lower-income countries by triggering the process for Emergency Use Listing of Mpox vaccines. This move will facilitate the procurement and distribution of vaccines through partners like Gavi and UNICEF, ensuring equitable access to essential medical tools.

As the WHO Chief declares the Mpox outbreak a global public health emergency, the organisation is calling for immediate funding to support surveillance, preparedness, and response activities. An initial US$15 million is needed to scale up efforts, with US$1.45 million already released from the WHO Contingency Fund for Emergencies.

In conclusion, the remarks made by the WHO Chief mark a sea change in the global effort to combat Mpox. It is an international call to action for governments, health groups, and communities to collaborate to halt the spread of this deadly virus. To prevent this public health catastrophe from getting worse and protect vulnerable populations from its dreadful impacts, international action is needed.

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